• Joey Vos's avatar
    Added Rooster Cron-Job · 9e0aed01
    Joey Vos authored
    updated .gitignore
    added nobump option to grunt versionbump
    added info on how to run a cron-job
    made an attempt to add nice editor-functions in codesnippet.js (it does not work as intended yet)
    removed unused languages used by alloy-editor
    updated some styling for bootstrapCK
    added Bootstrap CSS files for in-home serving
    added font-awesome scss sources
    added pagination styling
    added rooster styling
    renamed jquery-2.2.4.js to jquery.js to fix a grunt-bug
    added gzip to nginx configuration
    added a cURL library for cron jobs
    updated Config.php to use instead of localhost (fixes a bug when running on LXSS/WSL)
    added a Cron-Logger
    bumped version
    fixed a bug in the login modal
    added support for custom widths in ListView
    Added RoosterApi
    made the route for /rooster a bit more strict (you can specify a year- and week-number now)
    Added RoosterView
    fixed some nonce related warnings
    added deferred CSS stylesheets to DefaultView
    also deferred some JS files
    Essentially moved all UI stuff from DefaultView.php to DefaultView.inc.php